Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
INSTITUTION | Text 15 | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. |
ORGANIZATION | Text15 | Yes | Organization code owning the data to be imported. By default, the organization code is the same as the institution code. |
BUYING_CONTACT_NR | Text 15 | Yes | The contact number of contact that bought the voucher |
ORDER_ID | Number | Yes | Order ID |
SEASON | Code | Yes | Season code. |
VOUCHER_ | Code | Yes | The product code of the VOUCHER that is to be imported. |
SALE_DATE | Timestamp | Yes | Date of the sale. |
VALIDITY_BEGIN | Date | Yes | Beginning of the validity of the voucher. |
VALIDITY_END | Date | Yes | End of validity of the voucher. |
TARIFF | Code | Yes | The tariff code linked to the season that match one of these conditions :
AMOUNT | Amount | Yes | The amount of the inserted voucher. |
CHARGES | Amount | No | Not used yet. |
REMARK | Text | No | Remark |
BARCODE | Text 100 | Yes | The bar code of the voucher. |