As a cloud-hosted SAAS solution, the infrastructure and services supporting Secutix SecuTix products are in general shared across our client base. For a number of reasons, clients may require a higher level of control on data residency, data isolation and software release cycles. The MySlot package is the Secutix SecuTix offering covering this need, by providing dedicated cloud infrastructure for core parts of the Secutix SecuTix platform, some contr
In addition to these benefits, the MySlot package provides the highest performance guarantees on offer by SecutixSecuTix , both for online sales and API usage. Dedicated infrastructure means resources are focused on supporting activities for a single tenant, removing any possibility of calendar clashes for major events.
The MySlot base package contains all data & service isolation features and provides a baseline boosted performance level.
- The core Secutix SecuTix 360 database is a dedicated database running on a dedicated virtual machine. These infrastructure components are not shared with other clients.
- The client can choose in which geographical region core customer data should be held (among those offered by SecutixSecuTix).
- The client can choose to postpone software releases or patches by up to 4 weeks for some selected services.
TBC Should Secutix fail to achieve or sustain the base or boosted rates as described during a sale, the client is entitled to a refund equivalent to the monthly base package fee.
The MAX POWER Option
Tailored to support the most intensive sales, the MAX POWER option offers a comprehensive solution for clients facing exceptional demand during sale events. It is purchased on a per-sale basis and provides:
- A scaled-up infrastructure to ensure optimal system performance.
- Access to a dedicated team of Secutix SecuTix experts for analyzing, preparing, and monitoring the sale event.
- For simple products, a guaranteed sales rate of 12 ACS (XL) / 20 ACS (2XL)
Each MAX sale must be announced at least 7 calendar days before sales opening and can have a maximum duration of 3 days.
Should Secutix SecuTix fail to achieve or sustain the MAX option rate as described, the client is entitled to a refund equivalent to the MAX option price.
Reduced ACS rates applied to protect any client-specific integration not contracted through Secutix SecuTix are not covered by the compensation agreement.
Refunds will not be available if the access rates described in the terms of service are not reached due to third-party components delivered by a provider other than SECUTIX SecuTix(e.g. payment gateway).
Term and Termination
Scheduled sale: a pre-announced sale, with a planned ticketshop closure and purge.
Simple product: Any product sold through S360 platform that are no packages, season tickets, visit passes, product requiring seat map usage.