In addition to these benefits, the MySlot package provides the highest performance guarantees on offer by SecuTix , both for online sales and API usage. Dedicated infrastructure means resources are focused on supporting activities for a single tenant, removing any possibility of calendar clashes for major events.
Core vs common services for software release
To cater for different performance needs, the MySlot package is available in two different sizes, MySlot Pack XL and MySlot Pack XXL. Both provide the same data & service isolation features and only differ on the performances on offer.
- The core SecuTix 360 database is a dedicated database running on a dedicated virtual machine. These infrastructure components are not shared with other clients.
- The client can choose in which geographical region core customer data should be held (among those offered by SecuTix: make precise regions & "core" data).
- The client can choose to postpone software releases or patches by up to 4 weeks for some selected services (make services preciseoffered for core services: ticketing core)
The base package provides the following performance guarantees: