MySlot Pack Terms and Conditions
Overview of the Package
Myslot for Tixngo
As a cloud-hosted SAAS solution, the infrastructure and services supporting SecuTix products are in general shared across our client base. For a number of reasons, clients may require a higher level of control on data residency, data isolation and software release cycles. The MySlot package is the SecuTix offering covering this need, by providing dedicated cloud infrastructure for core parts of the SecuTix platform, some control over where the core customer data is held, and a measure of flexibility of the software release cycle.
- A permanent boosted base rate of 4 ACS (XL) / 6 ACS (XXL), shared across all the client’s ticket shops. For all products TBC
- For simple products, the option to increase the base rate to 8 ACS (XL) / 10 ACS (XXL) for scheduled sales. For other products, increase a bit.
- Unlimited API usage (recommended limits will depend on the usage scenarios)
Tailored to support the most intensive sales, the MAX POWER option offers a comprehensive solution for clients facing exceptional demand during sale events. It is purchased on a per-sale basis and provides: split simple/complex products
- A scaled-up infrastructure to ensure optimal system performance.
- Access to a dedicated team of SecuTix experts for analyzing, preparing, and monitoring the sale event.
- For simple products, a guaranteed sales rate of 12 ACS (XL) / 20 ACS (2XL)
Simple product: Any product sold through S360 platform that are no not packages, season tickets, visit passes, product requiring seat map usage.