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The solution integrates a module provided by EFSTA. This module has already been successfully integrated to comply with the Austrian law. This module will

Getting started

  • You will have to sign a contract with A-Trust. SecuTix may help you to get in touch with this company.
  • A-Trust will provide you the credentials to be provided to the cloud based signature service. Please provide this information to SecuTix that will update the set-up accordingly
  • Please perform following set-up in SecuTix:
    • Ensure that your European VAT number has been entered. To do this, check that the administrative number "European VAT Code" has been entered (menu "Organization characteristics > administrative numbers"). This number has to start with "DE".
    • Configure a RKSV external manager plugin:

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  • A prerequisite for the plugin is a correct EUVATID in administrative numbers of the organization (check that is starts with 'AT').
  • How to adapt the required document by adding an image with bookmark 'fiscalSignature' was shown in that Jira: 
    Jira Legacy
    serverSecuTix JIRA Tracking System
  • This file is a successful test of printing out a qr code on an order summary when the plugin is configured: STX_ORDER_SUMMARY_RKSV_fr.docx (GeneratedExample.pdf)
  • Proof Receipts is done by configuring a free product with description "Nullbeleg" and issuing a sale.
  • To fully enable the fiscal regulation, customer need to provide credentials for an HSM and enable SC for each of the point of sales in efr configuration screen :
  • A pos in STX maps to a 'rn' of the efr in the following way : VATID$INSTITCODE_ORGCODE_POSCODE

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  • Pricing for a 'rn' is 7.00 euros per month for a first pack of 60'000 transactions + 37 euros per additional packs of 60'000 transactions.
  • In production 'cloud' storage is already activated so that transactions will be stored in EFSTA cloud plateform and AFAIU automatically transferred to austrian fiscal authorities.