Push Product details' data when user clicks a product, includes the additional data: orderType (SALE, RESERVATION), datetime for dated product (performance dateTime, timeslot)
Code Block |
languag | js |
title | Product click DataLayer Example |
collapse | true |
'ecommerce': {
'click': {
'actionField': {
'list': 'Product list name'
'products': [{
'id':'ABC123', // Product ID
'name':'Product Name', // Product name
'date':'15/04/2021 - 15:30' // Date time of timeslot, performance, match
'brand':'Product Brand', // Product Family Type / Topic of the product (if set)
'position':0 // Position of a product in a given Section (landing page) or Product type (Landing page list view or Normal view)
'variant':'SALE' // Product is to be SOLD or RESERVED
</script> |
Code Block |
language | js |
title | Promotion click DataLayer Example |
collapse | true |
dataLayer.push ({
'id':'Promo ID', // Advantage ID
'name':'Promo name', // Advantage name
'creative':'Creative name', // Advantage description
'position':Position // Position of a product in a given Section (landing page) or Product type (Landing page list view or Normal view)
'variant':'SALE' // Product is to be SOLD or RESERVED
</script> |
Cart and Check-out
1. Add or Remove products from Cart
Push data when a product is added to cart, or remove from cart
Code Block |
language | js |
title | Add to Cart DataLayer Example |
collapse | true |
// Measure adding a product to a shopping cart
// and a list of product.
'event': 'addToCart',
'ecommerce': {
'currencyCode': 'EUR', // Currency code used for the PoS
'add': { // 'add' actionFieldObject measures.
'products': [{ // List of product items added to the shopping cart.
'name': 'Museum Pass', // Product Name
'id': '1234-567-987', // Unique SKU of the product item, i.e. product id - item id (if product is non-dated product) - performance id (if product is of event or parking or visit type) - seat category id - tarrif type id - timeslot id (if product is timeslot) - advantage id (if any) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
'price': '15.25', // Unit Price
'brand': 'Visit Pass / Exhibition', // Product Family Type / Topic of the product (if set) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
'category': 'Cat A / Normal', // Seat category / tarrif type
'variant': 'Cross-sell 1-click / 1234', // Cross selling type / parent product id (if added to cart via cross-selling)
'quantity': 1 // Quantity added to cart for this product item
'url': 'https://mosa.int1-shop.secutix.com/selection/timeslotpass?productId=101047223156' // URL pointing to the corresponding product item selection page which can be used by 3rd-party email retargeting tools
'imgUrl': 'https://mosa.int1-shop.secutix.com/api/1/dl/product/101047223156/logo' // Image URL of the corresponding product item which can be used by 3rd-party email retargeting tools
}); |
Code Block |
language | js |
title | Remove from Cart DataLayer Example |
collapse | true |
// Measure the removal of a product from a shopping cart.
'event': 'removeFromCart',
'ecommerce': {
'remove': { // 'remove' actionFieldObject measures.
'products': [{ // removing a product to a shopping cart.
'name': 'Museum Pass', // Product Name
'id': '1234-567-987', // Unique SKU of the product item, i.e. product id - item id (if product is non-dated product) - performance id (if product is of event or parking or visit type) - seat category id - tarrif type id - timeslot id (if product is timeslot) - advantage id (if any) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
'price': '15.25', // Unit Price
'brand': 'Visit Pass / Exhibition', // Product Family Type / Topic of the product (if set) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
'category': 'Cat A / Normal', // Seat category / tarrif type
'variant': 'Cross-sell 1-click / 1234', // Cross selling type / parent product id (if added to cart via cross-selling)
'quantity': 1 // Quantity added to cart for this product item
}); |