Type de rapport | Domaine | Description du domaine | Nom technique du domaine |
Goods | Stock status | Stock status of a selection of goods | D_GOODS_STATUS_V1_0 |
Goods | Purchase diary | Purchase diary (by cultural institution) of a selection of goods | D_ |
Accounting | Voucher management | Voucher management | D_VOUCHER_MANAGEMENT_V1_0 |
Accounting | List of payments | List of payments and refunds | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_PAYMENTS_V1_0 |
Accounting | Account follow up | Pending account and credit account follow-up | D_ACCOUNT_FOLLOW_UP_V1_0 |
Contact | Cultural history | Cultural history of a contact | D_CONCT_CULTURAL_HISTORY_V1_0 |
Contact | Contact information | Detailed information of the contact | D_CONTACT_LIST_V1_0 |
Contact | Contact criteria and other values | All contact information depending on the organization | D_CONTACT_ORG_INFO_V1_0 |
Availability | Room availability | Availability of seats in a given room | D_AVL_ROOM_AVL_V1_0 |
Availability | Product follow up | Product availability | D_AVL_PROD_FOLLWUP_V1_0 |
Tickets | Access control | Access control history | D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK_V1_0 |
Tickets | List of tickets | List of tickets | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS_V1_0 |
Tickets | Questionnaires | Answers to questionnaires | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_QSTNR_V1_0 |
Attendance | Attendance | Attendance statistics | D_ANALYTICS_ATTEND_V1_0 |
Seats | List of seats | Detailed information on seats | D_SEATS_LIST_SEATS_V1_0 |
Sales | Link between operation and payment | Link between operation and payment | D_PAYMENT_OPERATION_LINK_V1_0 |
Sales | List of invoices | List of invoices and payment tracking | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_INVOICE_V1_0 |
Sales | List of sales | Detailed information on sales | D_SALES_LIST_SALES_V1_0 |
Sales | Product revenue payment | Detailed information on sales and their payment | D_SALES_PROD_PAYMENT_V1_0 |
Sales | Summary of fees | Revenue due to fees | D_SALES_FEES_V1_0 |
Sales | Product revenue | Number of sales and revenue | D_SALES_PROD_RECEIPT_V1_0 |
Visits | Guide planning | Guides availability | D_VISIT_GUIDE_AVL_V1_0 |
Visits | Visit planning | Visit planning | D_VISIT_PLANNING_DATA_V1_1 |
Modèle physique des données
Les schémas ci-dessous présentent les différents domaines de la BI de SecuTix et les interactions entre ces derniers.
Ces schémas décrivent la manière de naviguer entre les domaines.
Physical data model
Below graphs present the SecuTix BI domains and the interactions between these.
These graphs describe the way to naviguate between domains.
For instance: From a ticket (D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS), il est possible de connaître l’ensemble des contrôles it is possible to know all controls (D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK) de ce billet ainsi que les réponses au questionnaire éventuellement associé à ce billet of this ticket as well as the answers to potential questionnaire associated to this ticket (D_SHIPTMENTTICKET_QSTNR).
Dans les schémas ci-dessus:
- Les noms commençant par «T_» désignent les champs permettant de naviguer d’un domaine à l’autre.
- : signifie que chaque occurrence de l’entité A est associée à 0 ou plusieurs occurrences de B et chaque occurrence de B est associée à exactement une occurrence de A.
In above graphs:
- Names starting by "T_" represent the fields allowing to come from one domain to another.
- : indicates that each instance of the entity A is linked to 0 or several instances of B and each instance of B is linked to exactly one instance of A
- Following links between two domains are not illustrated in the graph for clarity reasons but are available in order to simplify the access:
- Link between D_PAYMENT_OPERATION_LINK et and D_CONCT_CULTURAL_HISTORY via T_OPERATION_ID. CardinalitéCardinality: 0:n, 0:n
- Lien entre Link between D_SALES_LIST_SALES et and D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK via T_OPERATION_ID. CardinalitéCardinality: 1:1, 0:nLien entre
Cardinalité- Cardinality: 0:n, 0:n
Les domaines suivants ne sont pas accessibles pour le moment depuis un outil de BI externe car ils ne sont pas matérialisés