Versions Compared


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The QR invoicing is based on the camt.054 format (XML) instead of the old V11 format (CSV) that was used for BVR payments. The set-up of the import function is described in the Getting started section below.


Following the TicketBAI regulation, a TBAI identifier and a QR code are displayed at the bottom of the order summary and order receipt. The QR code encodes a URL redirecting to the tax authorities' fiscal system, allowing to check that the order has been properly signed and sent to the fiscal authorities.

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In addition to this, each duplicate is clearly marked as such. In case of order summary, a duplicate watermark is displayed.

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In case of order receipt, duplicate is printed.

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Either an order summary or an order receipt must be generated systematically for each order so that the tax authorities may check the order by scanning the QR code displayed on the document. However, the order is signed independently of the document generation. As a result:

  • You can display the order receipt and the order summary. The order will be signed exactly once and both documents will display the same QR code.
  • If you forgot to print and hand over a document to the end customer, you can always print it later.
titleInvoice and file summary
  • Invoices shouldn't be created in SecuTix when orders are signed. Indeed, both processes (invoice creation and order signature for TicketBAI) are generating an identifier to be displayed on the document and we want to avoid that a given order gets two different identifiers.
  • The file summary cannot display the required QR code because the QR code is related to an order, not to a file that may contain multiple orders. You can still provide file summaries to your customers for information purpose but they can't be used to prove that the order has been digitally signed.

Restricted operations after order closure

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  • The box office doesn't allow neither partial refunds nor exchanges
  • The batch to cancel a single performance or product will only refund orders that don't contain any other performance or product
  • The on-line self exchange features are disabled

Getting started

Set-up to be performed by the service team


  • Set the feature flag PRINTING_SWISS_QR_CODE_ON_BVR
  • Set the following parameters concerning the QR code in the document parameter section
    • Set BVR_BARCODE_POS_X to 68
    • Set BVR_BARCODE_POS_Y to 43


Administrative values

The QR invoice uses a separate IBAN, called QR-IBAN. This number has to be stored in the corresponding administrative number as shown below. Please contact your bank if you don't have a QR-IBAN.
