Data layer Google Analytics 4 Events - Summary
https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/migration/ecommerce/ecommerce-gtag - E-commerce (GA4) Developer Guide
https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/migration/ecommerce/gtagjs-compatibility - Ecommerce event compatibility and translation reference (gtag.js)
Google Analytics 4 Events - Guidelines | SecuTix Ticket shop events available | Description |
event: "view_item_list", | view_item_list | a user sees a list of items/offerings |
event: "select_item", | select_item | a u |
event: "view_item", | view_item | a user views an item |
event: "add_to_cart", | add_to_cart | a user adds items to cart |
event: "add_to_wishlist", | - | a user adds items to wishlist |
event: "view_cart", | - | a user views their cart |
event: "remove_from_cart", | remove_from_cart | a user removes items from a cart |
event: "begin_checkout", | - | a user begins checkout |
event: "add_shipping_info", | add_shipping_info | a user adds shipping info |
event: "add_payment_info", | add_payment_info | a user adds payment info |
event: "purchase", | - | a user completes a purchase |
event: "refund", | - | a user receives a refund |
event: "view_promotion", | view_promotion | a user sees a promotion item |
event: "select_promotion", | select_promotion | a user clicked a promotion item |
How to use Google Analytics 4 Enhanced E-commerce
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1. Activate GA4 Enhanced E-commerce for the Point of SalesLogin to your SecuTix back-office, and activate enhanced e-commerce for the corresponding Internet point of sales via the screen Organisation > Initialisation > Organisation Parameters > Sales Channels > Point of Sale > Internet Parameters. Wait for a few minutes for the corresponding PoS to be updated with the latest parameters. |
Google Analytics 4 E-commerce tracking
Product impression and action data
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Impressions and clicks
1. Product impressionPush product impression data to datalayer.
2. Promotion impression (Advantage)Push Promotion impression data to datalayer on the same pages and sections mentionned above.
3. Product details impressionData pushed when :
4. Product clickPush Product details' data when user clicks a product, includes the additional data
5. Promotion clickPush Product details' data when user clicks a product
Cart and Check-out
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1. Add or Remove products from CartPush data when a product is added to cart, or remove from cart
2. Check outData are sent to datalayer in check out process with 2 steps: Delivery and Order confirmation (after the payment pag
When user choose a delivery mode and click on Continue
When user input a voucher, select a payment method, then click on Continue to Payment