Warning: Switching to transactional emails in production can corrupt your ticketshop's ongoing sales. Please test beforehand the creation of a new email associating it with a single channel such as the test ticketshop.When your test is conclusive, you can associate the point of sales with the new model and delete the initial model. Carefully follow the instructions below:
You may already have a document associated with some (or all) locations. To test the creation of your new designer transactional email directly in production, we recommend that you create a new type of document, then a new template.
Existing document:
Create a new document type then a new “Design Editor” type template
To set up a design editor for transactional email, you can forelease note.
Importante note: You will notice that every template newly created template will be generating a *.json file that is available for download. Currently (in Beta status of the release) the uploading is not yet enabled. In future releases, we'll enable the possibility to upload those templates so that you can test them first in testing environments (such as preproduction) before uploading a final version to your production environment.