Time tolerance:in hours and minutes, this field allows you to set the amount of time FROM the beginning of the performance until which you will still be able to sell ticket.
For example, a time tolerance set as 00:45 will result in having the match event still available for sale up to 45 minutes after performance start.
1st catalogue number of performances: the use case is mostly for Live Events. This feature allows you to setup the number you want to apply for your matches events / performances. In France the VAT rate must change from the 141st performance.
Thus this field allows to easily identify from when the VAT rate should be set differently.
Confirmation after reservation (days): when using reservations, this field give you the opportunity to have a deadline automatically set by SECUTIX, calculated in days after the reservation is created in the system.
Note: the reservation will not automatically be cancelled once this date reached.
Confirmation before performance (days):when using reservations, this field give you the opportunity to have a deadline automatically set by SECUTIX, calculated in days before the first match event included in the reservation.
Note: the reservation will not automatically be cancelled once this date reached.
Add: this button is for mass creating schedule, mostly for cases where a same event occurs several times a day during lots of days. Probably not used much in a context of creating competition with matches.
Rate type:the rate type allows you to categorize your events. You will later be able to apply Charges for a rate type, meaning for all events sharing the same rate type.
This information can be used through APIs to group performances for example.
Duration : expected duration of the matchevent. This information can be used in ticket template and through the APIs. Mostly used in Live Events.
It's also shown on Sales context when mouse hovering over a performance:
Kind:as the rate type, the kind can be used to categorize matchesevents. The kind is displayed on the mevent page of the ticketshop. In the example, Default is the match kind. The list of Kind can be modified from Institution | Initialization | List of values under the entity Performance
Number of breaks:number of breaks your matches event will have. Mostly used in Live Events.
Exchangeable ticket: determine whether or not a ticket can be exchanged. If set on No, you will not be able to perform any Exchange/Cancellation on ticket for your matchesevents.
Named ticket:there you can chose to force people to enter a beneficiary for every single ticket that will be generated (eticket, thermal ticket...). If set on No, it will be up to the user to add it or not, and ticket could be printed with no beneficiary set up.
Licence number:you can overload the licence number to apply it on the matches events your creating. Mostly used in Live Events.
Logo:you can overload competition logo with a logo set at match event level. When used, it is the image displayed on the ticketshop for the related match(es)events.
VAT:you can overload the vat to apply it on the matches events your creating. Mostly used in Live Events.
You can set in this screen your mappings regarding the competition you are creating for the different interfaces and batches you may have. Note : those mappings will only apply at competition level, not matches.
You can also set mappings directly in the related interface. See: Organization | Tools
The validation step will make sure that you did not forget to set any mandatory information. In such a case, the message displayed will refer to what is missing.
If nothing is missing it will proceed in the actual creation of the competition and its matchesperformances, that will become available for Running. The following message will be displayed: