This page gives organizers the overview of all the events that they have on TnG TIXNGO system with statistic numbers related to its ticket status (Injected/Downloaded/Pending/Deleted/Activated/Controlled)
- By default, the event list is filtered from the current date towards and ordered by event start time (earlier event first)
- Every new ticket with a new unique event ID is injected into TnGTIXNGO, which will create a new event on this page
- Under the action column, TnG TIXNGO provides functionalities to edit event details, create a questionnaire, or display codes for activation purposes.
- Beacon information is useful in the case of using Bluetooth activation (via beacon) instead of time-activation.
Ticket statistics
Tickets controlled = Tickets have been controlled at access controlled and data are synced with TnG
Search and filter
- Organizer The organizer can search for any specific event by their event name, event ID or filter by event start time or end time.
Edit event details
- Organizer The organizer can edit and update event details after the event is created on TnG (via injection)
Event list => Click Pencil icon => Make changes => Click Ap
- Event group, event information, address modifying will be applied to all exisiting existing ticket of the event.
- Activation group, transfer rules, design ID will be applied to all tickets belonging to that groupID
- Resale Ticket Shop (S-360), prohibited items, sponsor, and seat map will be changed accordingly if under ticketDetails.hidden, there’s no value yet for that.