Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Variable Name

Variable Description

Backend Key

Assign Holder Feature

Enable / Disable assign-holder feature, allowing spectator to assign a ticket to a Holder


Bluetooth Feature

Enable / Disable Bluetooth feature, allowing preparation beacon behavior (Only allow ribbon (what is ribbon? How to see colored information ribbons) and reminder "activate Bluetooth" to be showed, Bluetooth Scanner always enable to scan tickets even this feature is enable or not, even on match day or not)


Display Ticket Owner Feature

Enable / Disable display-owner feature, allowing Owner name to be displayed on the ticket


Assign Reason Feature

Enable / Disable assign-reason feature, allowing spectator to give a reason when assigning a ticket to a Holder


Transfer Reason Feature

Enable / Disable trasnfer-reason feature, forcing spectator to give a reason when transferring a ticket


Mandatory Assign Reason

Enable / Disable assign-reason feature, forcing spectator to give a reason when assigning a ticket to a Holder


Select language when transferring ticket

Enable / Disable transfer-language feature, allowing spectator to select language of email template when transf


Deleted Tickets Visibility

Enable / Disable deleted-tickets-visibility feature, displaying deleted tickets on mobile application


Wristband Activation Feature

Enable / Disable wristband-activation Option to add a name on a ticket with other required information that can be set up under Assignment Configuration. 


Deleted Tickets Visibility

Option to display deleted tickets under the section "Deleted Tickets" in the menu. 


Enable quick manual activation feature

Manually activate a ticket by tapping on the Event Number area (on the right side of the ticket image) to go to the next screen and by tapping the yellow icon. This functionality only works the day before the event and during the day of the event. 


Protect screenshot and screen recording

Protect active QR codes from screenshots and screen recordings. Whenever these actions will be taken, the active QR code is covered with red text “This is a screenshot, not a valid ticket”.


Transfer alert for ticket owner who has multiple tickets in different locations

Turn on the functionality to send an alert about conflict within tickets with different seating details in one wallet

(Dependent with ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys and ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour)


Enable built-in encryption for activation/deactivation pin

For secure purposes, if this key is set to true, the Manual Activation ID will be encrypted on mobile local storage

Select language when transferring ticket

Add an additional step on the transfer screen and allow a spectator to choose the language of emails that will be sent to the ticket recipient.


Transfer Reason Feature

Spectators will be asked to choose a predefined reason while transferring tickets (sending tickets via mail). 


Bluetooth Feature

Enable/Disable feature, allowing preparation beacon behavior and its related reminder.


Wristband Activation Feature

Enable/Disable feature, allowing organizer to activate tickets have wristband option option (e.g. hospitability room)


Transfer alert for ticket owner has multiple tickets in different locations

Enable / Disable ticket.owner.transfer.alerts feature, allowing organizer to notify for ticket owner has multiple tickets in different locations to transfer tickets. 

(Dependent with ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys and ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour)


Organizer Settings

Variable Name

Variable Description

Backend Key

Max number of reminder emails that can be sent

Values: Integer [0, 5] (maximum of 5 reminders per person

Type: email


Minimum interval between two reminder in hours

Values: Integer >= 12 (limits to a maximum of 1 email every 12h, hence 2 per day max)

Type: email



Organizer Settings

Variable Name

Variable Description

Backend Key

Anonymize ticket holder information after x days the event ends (set 0 to turn OFF the feature)

Value: Integer (days)(count from event end-time)
Default value = 0 → OFF feature
If current time is X days after event end-time, ticket holder information will be anonymized.
Job run 1:00 UTC everyday


Consolidate tickets purchased in one single email - time-frame

Value: Integer (hour)(count from previous email sending time)
Default value = 0 → OFF feature
The user should only receive one email for the first injected ticket
All other injection during X hours since first email sent will not be sent separately.
After X hours, 1 consolidated injection email will be sent including all ticket-Ids injected.


Default amount of days after which the

Value: Integer (hour)(count from event end-time)
Default value = 0 → OFF feature
If current time is X hours after event end-time, unregistered account information will be anonymized
Job run 1:00 UTC everyday


Default amount of time (hour) after which the pending transfers will be cancelled

Value: Integer (hour)(count from transfer initiated)
Default value = 0 → OFF feature
If current time is X hours after ticket is transferred and no accept/reject is done on recipient's side, the transfer will be cancelled.


Enable contingent feature

Enable/Disable feature, allowing organizer to filter tickets by contingent


Hour of the day to send the first reminder (UTC timezone)

Values: Integer [0, 23] representing hours of the day

Type: email


Number of days before the Event, to start sending reminders, next one will be after the min interval (UTC)

Values: Integer >= 0Type: email[0, 23] representing hours of the day
On selected date, at X(hours) email reminder will be sent to user


Amount of time (hour) after which the pending transfers will be canceled (Set 0 to not auto-cancel pending transfers)

Values: Integer >= 0

Value indicates the number of hours before auto-cancel is triggered (Value = 0 : no auto-cancel)


Consolidate tickets purchased in one single email - timeframe (X hour)

·        Value: Integer (hour) Default value = 0, which mean this feature is not Enable.

·        The user should only receive one email for his first injected purchased ticket.

·        The system shall block any purchase emails for X hours after the first sending of email for each ticket holder (counting separately for each ticket holder).

·        If the X (hours) time is past,


Amount of days after which the unregistered personal information got anonymized (Set 0 to disable)

·        Automatic anonymization processing X days after the event ended

·        Set 0 to not auto anonymize unregistered users

·        Automatic anonymization processing X days after the event ended, X get from the configuration

·        run every night (ex: 1:00 am server time)

·        Value: interger >= 0

personal.information.anonymize.delayInterval (in minutes) between split notification campaign schedules

Values: Integer (minutes) (count from the previous notification campaign sent)
If one notification campaign is set with (total impacted spectator) > (Batch size), then after X minutes from the previous sending, the next push notification will be sent.


Max number of reminder emails that can be sent per ticketValues: Integer [0, 5] (maximum of 5 reminders per ticket)
Email is sent to spectator who has ticket injected but not yet registered on app
Minimum interval between two reminder in hoursValues: Integer >= 12 (limits to a maximum of 1 email every 12h, hence 2 per day max)email.remidner.limit.min-interval
Number of days before the Event, to start sending remindersValues: Integer >= 0email.reminder.limit.days-first
Push notification campaign batch sizeValues: Integer > 0push.notification.campaign.batch_size

Multilingual Settings

Variable Name

Variable Description

Backend Key

Burger Menu: Item 1 Title

Title of the menu item for the external website

Burger Menu: Item 1 Description 

Sub-text of the menu item for the external website

Event List: Promo 1 Title

Title of the box in the event list for the external website


Event List: Promo 1 Description

Sub-text of the event list for the external website


Event List: Promo 1 URL

Multilingual link to an external website

Burger Menu: Item 2 Title

Title of the menu item for the other app

Burger Menu: Item 2 Description

Sub-text of the menu item for the other app

Event List: Promo 2 Title

Title of the box in the event list for the other app


Event List: Promo 2 Description

Sub-text of the event list for the other app


Event List: Promo 2 URL

Multilingual link to an other app

App download link in Emails

Multilingual link to branded app

App name in Emails

Multilingual app name

Push Notifications at ticket injection: content

Content of the push notification recieved at injection


Push Notifications at ticket injection: title

Title of the push notification recieved at injection


Push Notifications transfer recipient: content

Content of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer


Push Notifications transfer recipient: title

Title of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer


Push Notifications transfer sender: content

Content of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer


Push Notifications transfer sender: title

Title of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer


Push Notifications at ticket deletion: content

Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted


Push Notificationsat ticket deletion: title

Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted


Push Notifications at delete resale pending contentA ticket for $$$$ has been being resoldnotification.deleted.resale-pending.content
Push Notifications at delete resale pending titleTicket being resoldnotification.deleted.resale-pending.title
Push Notifications at delete resale cancelled contentA reselling ticket for $$$$ has been cancellednotification.deleted.resale-cancelled.content
Push Notifications at delete resale cancelled titleReselling ticket cancelnotification.deleted.resale-cancelled.title
Push Notifications at delete resold contentA ticket for $$$$ has been resoldnotification.deleted.resold.content
Push Notifications at delete resold Ticket resoldnotification.deleted.resold.title

Push Notifications at ticket activation: content

Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated


Push Notificationsat ticket activation: title

Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated


Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: content

Content of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender


Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: title

Title of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender


Push Notifications at transfer accept title

Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver


Push Notifications at transfer accept content

Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver


Push No

Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver


Push Notifications at transfer reject content

Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver


Push Notifications at transfer have been auto_canceled successfully titleTitle of the push notification received by sender when transfer is auto canceled by TIXNGO systemnotification.information.automaticallycancel.title
Push Notifications at transfer have been auto_canceled successfully contentContent of the push notification received by sender when transfer is auto canceled by TIXGO systemnotification.information.automaticallycancel.content

Push Notification at session logout title

Title of the push notification received by a user at session logout


Push Notification at session logout content

Content of the push notification received by a user at session logout


Push Notifications at ticket update: content

Content of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer


Push Notifications at ticket update: title

Title of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer


Email subject at ticket injection

Email subject received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected


Email body at ticket injection

Email body received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected


Email subject at ticket transfer to unknown account

Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system


Email body at ticket transfer to unknown account

Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system


Email subject at ticket transfer to known account

Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system


Email body at ticket transfer to known account

Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system


Email subject at ticket transfer cancellation

Email subject received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled


Email body at ticket transfer cancellation

Email body received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled


Email subject for reminders

Email subject received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet)


Email body for reminders

Email body received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet)


Email subject at ticket deletion

Email subject received by spectator when a ticket is deleted


Email body at ticket deletion

Email body received by spectator when a ticket is deleted


Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to recipients)

Email subject received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceled


Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to recipients)Email body received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceledemail.information.automaticallycancel.recipient.body
Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to senders)Email subject received by spectator(transfer sender) when a ticket is auto_canceledemail.information.automaticallycancel.sender.subject

Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to senders)

Email body received by spectator(transfer sender) when a ticket is auto_canceled


Email subject for activation code of spectator without ticketEmail subject received by spectator when this spectator is using pin code to login and not yet have a ticket in their walletemail.account.activation.noticket.subject
Email body for activation code of spectator without ticketEmail body received by spectator when this spectator is using pin code to login and not yet have a ticket in their walletemail.account.activation.noticket.body
Email subject for activation code of spectator with ticketEmail subject received by spectator when this spectator is using pin code to login and already have at least 1 ticket in their walletemail.account.activation.subject
Email body for activation code of spectator with ticketEmail body received by spectator when this spectator is usemail.account.activation.body
Account deletion URLIf a user change Account deletion mode to "Manage by Organizer" he or she must provide the Account deletion URL here, spectators will be redirected to this link when they click on "Delete my account" on the mobile ticket appaccount.deletion.url
