Pricing model: The pricing model consists of a licence fee, which includes a bounded monthly usage, and additional usage-based charges dependent on the additional number of calls and the GB transferred.
API Calls: With the pack the client has the option to increase the number and rate of inbound and outbound API calls above the standard offering (current standard limit is 10K calls/1 GB per month, with a maximum rate of 180 calls per minute). The maximum rate SECUTIX can support within the scope of this pack will depend on the specific client integration. Usage-based fees are applied above 10K calls/month, details can be found in the next section on billing.
Data Transfer: No hard limit is set on the amount of data that can transit via the APIs. Usage-based fees are charged and outlined in the next section.
API Keys: 50 per client.
Access to Keys App: With the pack you gain access to the KEYS application, which provides comprehensive insights into your system’s utilization, including API key usage, services accessed, and error tracking.
Advanced Reporting: The client has a direct access to advanced reporting metrics on the API usage, provided within the KEYS application.
Consulting from Experts: SECUTIX experts are available on-demand to guide and optimize API integrations (extra charges may apply depending on the level of support needed).
Peak API Usage: The pack provides the ability to temporarily boost the API rate to support large events and critical operations. The exact rate supported will depend on the details of the integration and will be agreed upon with the client during the preparation phase.