File format for Season Tickets
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
Text 15Code | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. |
Text 15 . By default = institution codeowning the data to be imported. If leave it empty, the institution code will be used. |
ORDER_NR | Number |
Yes | Order numberOrder date | No | If leave it empty, order number will be set while importing by default. One l Many tickets can be in an order if leave them the same order number. This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing. This will be file number also. |
ORDER_DATE | Date | No |
Yes | Buying date. If leave it empty, it will be imported date by default. |
Text 70Possible Operation type.
Allowed values: SALE or RESERVATION |
REMARK | Text | | Order remark |
B | Number | Yes | Buying contact numberCULTURALCONTACT_NRNumberFIRST_NAME | Text 50 | | Beneficiary first name. |
LAST_NAME | Text 50 | | Beneficiary last name. |
ST_NUMBER | Cultural contact number. By default it is identical to the buying contact number. | No | Expiration date to confirm reservation. |
REMARK | Text 2000 | No | Internal remark of order. |
BUYING_CONTACT_NR | Number | Yes |
Season ticket numberContact number who buys the order. Mandatory because a sstk needs a contact. |
SEASON | Code | Yes | Season code of |
the STCODETICKET | Code | Yes | Product code of season ticket. |
SEAT_NUMBERSeatNumberSeat number if the ticket holder is seated at the same place for all performances included in the season ticket | Yes | Tariff code. |
Common contingentSEATCATCODECATEGORY | Code | Yes | Seat category code. |
TARIFFCodeTarif codePRICEYesPrice season ticketticket * 100 (so that 1$ = 100). |
VAT | Percentage |
Yes | No | If leave it empty, it will be 0 while importing by default. Vat rate in percent * 100 (so that 1% = 100). Choose the rate that active and valid following this: Valid from date of vat rate <= |
ORDERPayment date must be empty if price is 0 or operation type is RESERVATIONORDER_DATE <= Valid to date of vat rate. |
| No | If leave it empty, the operation type is SALE and the price is not 0, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. |
SEASON_TICKET_NR | Number | No | Each season ticket has a unique number to know how many season tickets have been published. In importation, it helps to define ticket to check between data excel file and database system after importing. This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing. |
SEAT_NUMBER | SeatNumber | Yes | Seat number if the ticket holder is seated at the same place for all performances included in the season ticket. |
CULTURAL_CONTACT_NR | Number | No | Contact number who is ticket holder. If leave it empty and first/last name are empty, the buying contact number will be used by default. |
BENEFICIARY_FIRSTNAME | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary first name (only if cultural contact is not specified). |
BENEFICIARY_LASTNAME | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary last name (only if cultural contact is not specified). |
TICKET_STATE | Enum | Yes |
Ticket stateif SALE | Mandatory when the operation type is SALE. Allowed values: NOT_PRINTED, PRINTED |
TimestampGeneration date
Mandatory when the ticket state is PRINTED or CONTROLLED | Bar code of the season ticketNo | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. |
BARCODE | Text 50 |
| No | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default. |
TAX_NUMBER | Text 50 |
| The tax number of the season ticketShipment date of the season ticket.
Default value: Order dateNo | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default. |
| No | If leave it empty, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. |
Text 50 | Shipment mode of the season ticket. Allowed values: TBD Mandatory when the ticket state is PRINTED or | ...
No | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be imported following import rules by default. |
File format for Season Ticket Lines
Each row describes one performance included in a season ticket. The rows are linked to the first file using INSTITUTION and ST_NUMBER.
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
Text 15Code | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. |
Text 15YesNo | Organization code owning the data to be imported. If leave it empty, the institution code will be used. |
STNUMBERText 20Instance number of season ticket. | SEASON_CODEEach season ticket has a unique number to know how many season tickets have been published. This is also used to link season ticket with season ticket lines. This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing. |
SEASON | Code | Yes | Season code of |
the eventsingle entry (event/competition). |
_CODEThe event code | STARTTIMEProduct code of single entry (event/competition). |
START_TIME | Timestamp | Yes |
The performance start the eventSEAT_NUMBER | SeatNumberperformance. |
TARIFF | Code | Yes |
Tariff code. |
SEATCATCODECATEGORY | Code | Yes | Seat category code. |
TARIFFCTarif code | Price of ticket * 100 (so that 25$ = 2500). |
CHARGE | Amount |
YesPrice of the seatCharge of ticket * 100 (so that 1$ = 100). |
VAT | Percentage |
YesNo | If leave it empty, it will be 0 while importing by default. Vat rate in percent * 100 (so that 1% = 100). Choose the rate that active and valid following this: Valid from date of vat rate <= |
ORDERPayment date must be empty if price is 0 or operation type is RESERVATIONORDER_DATE <= Valid to date of vat rate. |
| No | If leave it empty, the operation type is SALE and the price is not 0, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. |
SEAT_NUMBER | SeatNumber | Yes | Seat number for each performance in the season ticket. |
BENEFICIARY_FIRSTNAME | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary first name (only if cultural contact is not specified). |
BENEFICIARY_LAS | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary last name (only if cultural contact is not specified). |
CodeTicket stateif SALE | Mandatory when the operation type is SALE. Allowed values: NOT_PRINTED, PRINTED |
TimestampGeneration date.
Mandatory when the ticket state is PRINTED or CONTROLLED | code of the ticketNo | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. |
BARCODE | Text 50 |
| Bar The tax number of the ticketNo | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default. |
TAX_NUMBER | Text 50 |
| No | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default. |
| Shipment date.
Default value: Order dateNo | If leave it empty, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. |
Text 50Shipment mode.
Allowed values:
Mandatory when the ticket state is PRINTED or CONTROLLED | No | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be imported following import rules by default. |