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Ui text box

The Ticket Detail Bulk Update feature is a powerful tool that allows event organizers to efficiently update key-value pairs in ticket details (apply to main, extra only).

Ticket details are free text fields associated with each ticket, enabling organizers to set up customized information such as seat details, special instructions, or any other relevant data.

This manual provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilize the Ticket Detail Bulk Update feature effectively.


In order to use this ticket details bulk update, make sure the organizer setting key Enable ticket detail bulk update feature (enable.ticket-detail.bulk-update) is enabled to true. 

Image Added

Ui steps

Ui step

Accessing the Ticket Detail Bulk Update Feature
To access the Ticket Detail Bulk Update feature, follow these steps:


Access to TIXNGO Backoffice | Bulk Update | Via key/value changes

  • Log in to the
event organizer dashboard
  • Backoffice using your Admin User credentials
  • Navigate to the
ticket management
  • Bulk Update section
c. Locate the "Bulk Update" option within the ticket management menu. Ui step
  • Locate the Via key/value changes option
  • Click on the Update key/value to open navigate to the update screen

Ui text box

(lightbulb) Understanding Ticket Details

Before proceeding with the bulk update process, it is essential to have a clear understanding of ticket details. Ticket details consist of key-value pairs, where each key represents a specific category or attribute, and the corresponding value contains the associated information.

As a result, one key can be mapped with multiple different values. For example:

  • Key: "
Seat Number
  • Entrance"
  • Value: "A12"
  • Key: "Gate Opening"
  • Value: "16:00"
  • Key: "Special Instructions"
  • Value: "Accessible seating required"

Ui step

Performing Bulk Updates

The Only one key-value of a specific event can be updated at a time. 

This section outlines two primary scenarios:

  1. Updating Values for Specific Keys:

    If you need to update the value for a specific key across multiple tickets of an event, follow these steps:

    • Select the

    • event you wish to update

. This can be done by manually selecting each ticket or apply
b. Locate the "Bulk Update" button and click on it.
c. In the bulk update interface, specify the key for which you want to update the value.
    • from the drop-down list. Once the event ID is picked, event name will be auto-filled. 

    • Specify the key you want to update by picking from the key list drop-down, only one item at a time.
    • Under value field, select "All" if you want to update all values of that key to new one or select only one specific value to apply the change.

    • Enter the new value you wish to assign to the selected key
e. Click on the "Update" or "Save" button to apply the changes.
    • under updated value
    • Select the language (injection based) that you want to update
    • Click on Single-ticket update for validation (more details as below) and run update or Apply change for all tickets

    • Review the updated ticket details to ensure the changes have been made accurately.

  1. Updating Keys for Specific Values:

If you need to update the key for a specific value across multiple tickets, follow these steps:

    • Select the
tickets you wish to update. You can either manually select each ticket or apply filters to narrow down the selection.
b. Locate the "Bulk Update" button and click on it.
c. In the bulk update interface, specify the value for which you want to update the key.
d. Enter the new key you wish to assign to the selected value.
e. Click on the "Update" or "Save" button to apply the changes.
f. Review the updated ticket details
    • event you wish to update from the drop-down list. Once the event ID is picked, event name will be auto-filled.
    • Specify the key you want to update by picking from the key list drop-down, only one item at a time.
    • Under value field, select "All" if you want to update all values of that key to new one or select only one specific value to apply the change.
    • Enter the new key you wish to replace the selected key under updated key
    • Select the language (injection based) that you want to update
    • Click on Single-ticket update for validation (details as below) and run update or Apply change for all tickets
    • Review the updated ticket details to ensure the changes have been made accurately.

Ui step


To ensure transparency and avoid unexpected changes, the Ticket Detail Bulk Update feature includes a ticket impact check function. This function allows you to check the number of tickets that will be affected by the selected key-value before proceeding with the submission of changes. 

  • After entering all required fields above, the button "Check updated ticket count" will be displayed
  • Click on the button and wait for a few seconds to be resulted as a number of how many tickets will be updated
  • If the number is matched with your expectation, now it's time to proceed the changes.

titleUse cases
  • If I only want to update the value of a specific key-value (from event E, update tickets with Entrance A to Entrance B), how should I proceed? (question)

→ Go to Bulk Update | Via key/value change

→ Click on button Update key/value

→ Select event E and key Entrance from dropdown list

→ Select value A from value list

→ Leave Updated Key empty and input Updated Value = B

→ Check updated ticket count and apply change if it matches your expectation

  • If I only want to update the key of a specific key-value (from event E, update Gate Opening 16:00 to Kick Off Time 16:00), how should I proceed? (question)

→ Go to Bulk Update | Via key/value change

→ Click on button Update key/value

→ Select event E and key Gate Opening from dropdown list

→ Select All from value list

→ Input the Updated Key = Kick Off Time and leave Updated Value empty

→ Check updated ticket count and apply change if it matches your expectation

Ui text box

Single-ticket update 

To ensure the accuracy of changes before applying them to the entire event, the Ticket Detail Bulk Update feature offers a single-ticket run mode. This mode allows you to test the changes on a single ticket before executing the update for the entire event. 

Review the updated ticket details for the test ticket to ensure the changes have been made accurately.

Ui step

Check the key/value update logs

To provide a comprehensive history and status of changes made through the Ticket Detail Bulk Update feature, an update log table is available. The update log table allows clients to review the history of modifications, how many tickets are affected and which account made those changes. 

Example as below:

titleUseful information

Best Practices and Tips

Here are some best practices and tips to enhance your experience with the Ticket Detail Bulk Update feature:

  • Double-check the changes before applying them to ensure accuracy.
  • If you are updating values, consider using predefined options or templates to maintain consistency.
  • Backup your ticket details before performing bulk updates to have a restore point in case of any unexpected issues.
  • Test the bulk update feature with a small batch of tickets before applying it to a large number of tickets.
  • Utilize filters and search functionalities to easily select the tickets you want to update.