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This page includes all setting keys available on TIXNGO Backoffice which allow organizers to configure on their own.

Table of Contents

Where will you see it?

  • Go to Settings Page > Select the correct Mobile App ID

Image Removed

Detailed setting keys

Application Settings


Variable Name


Variable Description


Backend Key


Standard TIXNGO proccess (STP) or Manage by Organizer (MBO)

If STP, then the deletion is applied with TIXNGO normal process

If MBO, users is redirected to organizer's URL (configured on Crowdin)


Burger Menu: Item 1 Visibility


Values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE; control whether the link to external website is shown in the menu. Order of the link in the burger menu is fixed.



Burger Menu: Item 2 Visibility


Values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE; control whether the link to another app is shown in the menu. Order of the link in the burger menu is fixed.



Event List: Promo 1 Position


Values: INACTIVE, TOP, AFTER_FIRST, BOTTOM; controls where the External Portal/Website link box is shown in the event list view of the app.




Event List: Promo 2 Position


Values: INACTIVE, TOP, AFTER_FIRST, BOTTOM; controls where the other app link box is shown in the event list view of the app.




Event List: Promo 1 Image URL


Link of the image that will be displayed in the box related to the external website




Event List: Promo 2 Image URL


Link of the image that will be displayed in the box related to the otherapp




Relative position between Events List Promo 1 and Promo 2


Values: OTHERAPP_FIRST, WEBSITE_FIRST; controls the order when both are put in the same location




Ticket detail key that displayed on activation screen


Values: ticket details main or extra key  which define by organizer (eg. Gate, Block, Row, Seat,...) which is used to display on activation screen




Number of minutes before sending a non-transferred reminder in the app


Values: Integer > 0 ,
Pop-up message in app for transferring ticket reminder (RBL). Value indicates the interval between 2 pop-ups. 




Number of minutes before sending a non-assigned reminder in the app


Values: Integer > 0
Pop-up message in app for assigning ticket reminder (F.). Value indicates the interval between 2 pop-ups.




Ticket Owner Transfer Alert Keys


Values: List of ticket details main or extra key  which define by organizer (eg. Gate, Block, Row, Seat,...) which is used to notify ticket owner transfer tickets

(Dependent with ticket.owner.transfer.alerts feature and ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour )




Enable max amount of active devices security


Values: FALSE, TRUE; disable or enable the max active phones security.




Max number of active devices at once (only if security is enabled)


Values: Integer >0
(For login restriction security purpose)




Only one active wallet session is allowed


Values: FALSE, TRUE; disable or enable the allowing only one session. 

(For login restriction security purpose)

There are no differences between “Only one active wallet session is allowed” and “Max number of active devices at once (only if security is enabled)” = 1.
It would implies the same behavior. The first one was the first to be implemented. The second one at a later stage.




Disable online/offline check if device reached max active sessions


Values: FALSE, TRUE; disable or enable the online check if device readed max active sesssions.

(For login restriction security purpose)




Minimal supported version of mobile application


Values: (with X, Y, Z are Integers and X is required)

Oldest version of the app that requires user to install. 

Using for force update purpose: the organizer can decide to request to have a minimal version of the TIXNGO wallet to be used. So the app will show you a informative screen to ask you to update the app (cannot do anything else in the app).




Latest version of mobile application


Values: (with X, Y, Z are Integers and X is required)

Latest version of the app that requires user to install. (Should always same or later than minimal one)

There are no features implemented yet related to this one. An example of a potential feature, you might be interested and asked us to develop, would be a new feature to display a pop-up in the app informing a new version is available




Number of hours before event start time sending different-gates/blocks first message in the app


Values: Integer > 0

Pop-up message in app for transferring ticket reminder. 
Value indicates the number of hours between 1st pop-up and event start time. 

(Dependent with  ticket.owner.transfer.alerts and ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys )

In case you have tickets for different block/gates. This is for pop-up message. Organizer need to enable and define these keys to be able to use this feature:

·        ticket.owner.transfer.alerts (enable the feature on mobile)

·        ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys (Define the key to compare)




Number of minutes before sending different-gates/blocks reminder in the app


Values: Integer > 0

Pop-up message in app for different-gates/blocks reminder , value indicates the interval between 2 pop-ups. Number of minutes before sending different-gates/blocks reminder in the app

·        In case you have tickets for different block/gates. This is pop-up message. Indicates the interval between 2 pop-ups.

·        Same as above, organizer need to enable and define these keys to be able to use the feature:

·        ticket.owner.transfer.alerts (enable the feature on mobile)

·        ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys (Define the key to compare)

·        ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour (Define the first pop-up time)




Amount of days after which the unregistered personal information got anonymized (Set 0 to disable)


Values: Integer > 0

Unregistered emails will be anonymized after this amount of day since the ticket's event expired.



Application Features


Variable Name


Variable Description


Backend Key


Assign Holder Feature


Enable / Disable assign-holder feature, allowing spectator to assign a ticket to a Holder




Bluetooth Feature


Enable / Disable Bluetooth feature, allowing preparation beacon behavior (Only allow ribbon (what is ribbon? How to see colored information ribbons) and reminder "activate Bluetooth" t




Display Ticket Owner Feature


Enable / Disable display-owner feature, allowing Owner name to be displayed on the ticket




Assign Reason Feature


Enable / Disable assign-reason feature, allowing spectator to give a reason when assigning a ticket to a Holder




Transfer Reason Feature


Enable / Disable trasnfer-reason feature, forcing spectator to give a reason when transferring a ticket




Mandatory Assign Reason


Enable / Disable assign-reason feature, forcing spectator to give a reason when assigning a ticket to a Holder




Select language when transferring ticket


Enable / Disable transfer-language feature, allowing spectator to select language of email template when transferring ticket




Deleted Tickets Visibility


Enable / Disable deleted-tickets-visibility feature, displaying deleted tickets on mobile application




Wristband Activation Feature


Enable / Disable wristband-activation feature, allowing organizer to activate tickets have wristband option (e.g. hospitability room)




Transfer alert for ticket owner has multiple tickets in different locations


Enable / Disable ticket.owner.transfer.alerts feature, allowing organizer to notify for ticket owner has multiple tickets in different locations to transfer tickets. 

(Dependent with ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys and ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour)



Organizer Settings


Variable Name


Variable Description


Backend Key


Max number of reminder emails that can be sent


Values: Integer [0, 5] (maximum of 5 reminders per person

Type: email




Minimum interval between two reminder in hours


Values: Integer >= 12 (limits to a maximum of 1 email every 12h, hence 2 per day max)

Type: email




Time of the day to send the first reminder (UTC timezone)


Values: Integer [0, 23] representing hours of the day

Type: email




Number of days before the Event, to start sending reminders


Values: Integer >= 0

Type: email




Amount of time (hour) after which the pending transfers


Values: Integer >= 0

Value indicates the number of hours before auto-cancel is triggered (Value = 0 : no auto-cancel)




Consolidate tickets purchased in one single email - timeframe (X hour)


·        Value: Integer (hour) Default value = 0, which mean this feature is not Enable.

·        The user should only receive one email for his first injected purchased ticket.

·        The system shall block any purchase emails for X hours after the first sending of email for each ticket holder (counting separately for each ticket holder).

·        If the X (hours) time is past, those emails that are generated in X time will never be sent.




Amount of days after which the unregistered personal information got anonymized (Set 0 to disable)


·        Automatic anonymization processing X days after the event ended

·        Set 0 to not auto anonymize unregistered users

·        Automatic anonymization processing X days after the event ended, X get from the configuration

·        run every night (ex: 1:00 am server time)

·        Value: interger >= 0



Multilingual Settings


Variable Name


Variable Description


Backend Key


Burger Menu: Item 1 Title


Title of the menu item for the external website



Burger Menu: Item 1 Description 


Sub-text of the menu item for the external website



Event List: Promo 1 Title


Title of the box in the event list for the external website






Sub-text of the event list for the external website




Event List: Promo 1 URL


Multilingual link to an external website



Burger Menu: Item 2 Title


Title of the menu item for the other app



Burger Menu: Item 2 Description


Sub-text of the menu item for the other app



Event List: Promo 2 Title


Title of the box in the event list for the other app




Event List: Promo 2 Description


Sub-text of the event list for the other app




Event List: Promo 2 URL


Multilingual link to an other app



App download link in Emails


Multilingual link to branded app



App name in Emails


Multilingual app name



Push Notifications at ticket injection: content


Content of the push notification recieved at injection




Push Notifications at ticket injection: title


Title of the push notification recieved at injection




Push Notifications transfer recipient: content


Content of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer




Push Notifications transfer recipient: title


Title of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer




Push Notifications transfer sender: content


Content of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer




Push Notifications transfer sender: title


Title of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer




Push Notifications at ticket deletion: content


Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted




Push Notificationsat ticket deletion: title


Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted




Push Notifications at ticket activation: content


Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated




Push Notificationsat ticket activation: title


Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated




Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: content


Content of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender




Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: title


Title of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender




Push Notifications at transfer accept title


Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver




Push Notifications at transfer accept content


Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver




Push Notifications at transfer reject title


Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver




Push Notifications at transfer reject content


Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver




Push Notification at session logout title


Title of the push notification received by a user at session logout




Push Notification at session logout content


Content of the push notification received by a user at session logout




Push Notifications at ticket update: content


Content of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer




Push Notifications at ticket u


Title of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer




Email subject at ticket injection


Email subject received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected




Email body at ticket injection


Email body received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected




Email subject at ticket transfer to unknown account


Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system




Email body at ticket transfer to unknown account


Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system




Email subject at ticket transfer to known account


Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system




Email body at ticket transfer to known account


Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system




Email subject at ticket transfer cancellation


Email subject received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled




Email body at ticket transfer cancellation


Email body received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled




Email subject for reminders


Email subject received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet)




Email body for reminders


Email body received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet)




Email subject at ticket deletion


Email subject received by spectator when a ticket is deleted




Email body at ticket deletion


Email body received by spectator when a ticket is deleted




Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully


Email subject received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceled




Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully


Email body received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceled


The Settings page allows the organizers to list and customize the TIXNGO user experience by enabling features on BackOffice and on Mobile.
Image Added

From this page, you can change the current setting by clicking the Edit icon. If the Edit icon is not visible, please reach out to your PS team.

Check the List of available Settings for more details

You also can duplicate the setting by using the Export Settings and Import Settings feature: How to duplicate your settings to another environment