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Take advantage of unique ticketing and digital marketing expertise acquired from over 120 projects of all sizes across


a whole range of

the industry


Check out our six areas of expertise to find the service you need!


Whether you're looking to boost your digital marketing campaigns, make better use of your contact and sales database or increase integration between your social networks and ticketing operation while improving activity tracking and analysis, our expert teams are waiting here to help you achieve your goals.

"The SecuTix Marketing Team has provided gave us with an objective expert view on digital marketing

Chris Wolf, Sales and Marketing Director, Lausanne Hockey Club 

Click here for the marketing services page



Let our experts program parametrise your ticketing. Capitalise on the full potential of your online sales by personalising customising them and offering appealing new products. Activate the our mobile application app and set up customised custom tracking reports. Our specialists will help you make the most of all the features offered by SecuTix 360°.

Click here for the ticketing services page


Let us help you ensure that your internal teams have the right knowledge and expertise to capitalise on all of SecuTix 360°'s features. We provide tailor-made training based on your needs and we also provide as well as on-site support for the times when you're extra-busy, like the start of the season or peak sales periods.

Click here for the training and support services page 


Take advantage: on mobile terminals, turnstiles, ticket distributors, printers and readers. Our specialists will help you choose, install and commission your equipment so that all your systems work perfectly with your SecuTix 360° software.

Click here for the equipment and networking services page


Boost your online sales with the best that digital technology has to offer. Retargeting, yield management (dynamic pricing), online donations or and even super-realistic 3D plans – we're continually expanding our pool of best-in-field technology partners so that you can benefit from to provide you with state-of-the-art technologies with peerless features.

Click here for the partner technologies services page

Vous souhaitez commander un service? Anchor CommandeService CommandeService

Rien de plus simple! Connectez-vous à Kayako et accédez au catalogue de services! Choisissez la catégorie Marketing et sélectionnez  le service désiré en suivant les étapes. Nos équipes prendrons contact avec vous afin d'établir un devis.

Processus de demande de service:

  • Demandez un service dans le catalogue de services en ligne.
  • Un devis et un délai de réalisation vous seront communiqués.
  • Vous confirmez l’acceptation du devis.
  • Vous remplissez les documents requis.
  • Nous réalisons le service.
  • Vous êtes informé de l’exécution du service.

Une fois connecté à Kayako, cliquez sur "Catalogue de services".

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Chosissez ensuite la famille de services et remplissez le formulaire de demande lorsqu'il y en a un. Merci également d'indiquer le délai



SecuTix 360° est une plateforme de billetterie ouverte.  Profondément ancrée dans son ADN, cette caractéristique vous garantit une ouverture maximum vers des systèmes tiers. SecuTix 360° s’interface aisément avec votre écosystème existant et des technologies digitales tierces. Grâce aux APIs, l’intégration entre votre site institutionnel et votre billetterie en ligne est transparente et garantit un parcours digital hors normes. Nos experts vous accompagnent pas à pas dans la réalisation de vos projets d’intégration. C’est l’assurance de bénéficier du meilleur de la technologie, sans concession.

Accéder à la page des services d'intégrations ici


is an open technology ticketing platform. We've built this into its DNA to guarantee you the best possible integration with third-party systems. SecuTix 360° is easy to interface with your existing ecosystem and digital third-party technologies. Our APIs provide transparent integration between your corporate website

Click here for the integration services page


Would you like to order a service?


It couldn't be simpler! Connect to our Customer Portal, classify your request, provide necessary information and click Submit; and it's done! Our team will contact you to provide an estimation.

How to place an order for a service:

  • Order a service from our Customer Portal
  • Complete the required documentations
  • We'll send you an estimation and an implementation lead time.
  • Confirm your acceptance of the estimation/price
  • We set up the service
  • We'll let you know when the service

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The catalogue contains a price range for each service. Those are estimates and can vary depending on your specific demand (quantity of data that needs modifying, size of seat map, etc).

Image Added 0 – 500 €

Image Added 500 – 1000 €

Image Added 1000 – 1500 €

Image Added + 1500 €