File format for Season Tickets
The generic file format is described in Generic file format (Extended). This documents describes all available import fields.
Season tickets need to be described on two files
- The first file describes the season ticket itself.
- The second file describes each performance included in each season ticket.
Order info
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
INSTIT | Text 15 | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. |
ORGANIZATION | Text 15 | Yes | Organization code owning the data to be imported. |
ORDER_NR | Text 50 | Yes | Order number. |
ORDER_DATE | Date | Yes | Order date. |
OPERATION_TYPE | Text 70 | Yes | Operation type in ('SALE','RESERVATION'). |
REMARK | Text | Order remark |
Season ticket info
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
S_TICKET_NR | Text 20 | Yes | Instance number of season ticket. |
SEASON_CODE | Text 15 | Yes | Season code of the organization that need to be imported. |
S_TICKET_CODE | Text 50 | Yes | Product code of season ticket. |
COMMON_SEAT_NR | SeatNumber | Seat number. | |
COMMON_CONT | Text 100 | Common contingent. |
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
BUYING_CONTACT_NR | Number | Yes | Buying contact number. |
CULTURAL_CONTACT_NR | Number | Cultural contact number. | |
FIRST_NAME | Text 50 | Beneficiary first name. | |
LAST_NAME | Text 50 | Beneficiary last name. |
Price info
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
SEATCAT_CODE | Text 15 | Yes | Seat category code. |
TARIF_CODE | Text 15 | Yes | Tarif code. |
PRICE_LEVEL | Text 15 | Yes | Price level (Not yet used). |
PRICE | Amount | Yes | Price of season ticket. |
VAT | Number | Yes | Vat rate in percent. Choose the rate that active and valid following this: Valid from date of vat rate <= ORDER_DATE <= Valid to date of vat rate. |
PAYMENT_DATE | Date | Payment date is null when operation type = 'SALE' and price = 0 or operation type = 'RESERVATION'. |
Ticket and shipment info
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
TICKET_STATE | Text 50 | Yes | Ticket state in ('NOT_PRINTED','PRINTED','CONTROLLED'). |
GENERATION_DATE | Timestamp | Generation date is null when ticket state = 'NOT_PRINTED'. | |
BARCODE | Text 50 | Bar code of the ticket. (Not yet used). Default now is 'IMP-' + ticket id. | |
FISCAL_NR | Text 50 | The fiscal number of the ticket.(Not yet used). Default now is 'IMP-' + ticket id. | |
SHIPMENT_DATE | Date | Shipment date. If not input: Shipment date = Order date. | |
SHIPMENT_MODE | Text 50 | Shipment date is null when ticket state = 'NOT_PRINTED'. |
Season Ticket Line
Each row describes one performance included in a season ticket.
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
INSTIT | Text 15 | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. |
ORGANIZATION | Text 15 | Yes | Organization code owning the data to be imported. |
S_TICKET_NR | Text 20 | Yes | Instance number of season ticket. |
SEASON_CODE | Text 15 | Yes | Season code of the organization that need to be imported. |
EVENT_CODE | Text 20 | Yes | The event code of the season ticket line. |
STARTTIME | Timestamp | Yes | The performance start time of the event of the season ticket line. |
SEAT_NUMBER | SeatNumber | Yes | |
CONTINGENT | Text 100 | Contingent code | |
TICKET_STATE | Text 50 | Yes | Ticket state in ('NOT_PRINTED','PRINTED','CONTROLLED'). |
GENERATION_DATE | Timestamp | Generation date is null when ticket state = 'NOT_PRINTED'. | |
BARCODE | Text 50 | Bar code of the ticket. (Not yet used). Default now is 'IMP-' + ticket id. | |
FISCAL_NR | Text 50 | The fiscal number of the ticket.(Not yet used). Default now is 'IMP-' + ticket id. | |
SHIPMENT_DATE | Date | Shipment date. If not input: Shipment date = Order date. | |
SHIPMENT_MODE | Text 50 | Shipment date is null when ticket state = 'NOT_PRINTED'. |