Bug fixes
[STX-87773] Some translations in German are wrong
[STX-86337] [EFC] File status is "In progress"
[STX-87870] Customer's password is visible as clear text in the "External sale" interface logs file
[STX-87567] Multiple payments don't work on TPE
[STX-88630] Impossible to exchange ticket due to technical error
[STX-87162] If a package contains non-dated pass with validit
[STX-88398] Dollar sign next to the price filter, instead of a pound sign
[STX-88673] Cannot add an image for goods product
[STX-88103] Error message when trying to change the name of a physical area
[STX-87309] Sold out seat categories are displayed in the ticket shop selection pages for championship season tickets
[STX-88860] New promocode for COMAR [TO REVIEW]
[STX-88295] It is not possible to chose some available seats on the ticket shop seat map as they are not displayed
[STX-88456] CLONE - Wrong Spanish translations 2