Cash desk closure
Closure with an operator
The basic assumption in SecuTix is that the box office operator is in the position of a debtor. When closing the cash register, the system expects the entire content of the cash register to be entered and compares this with the bookings made.
As soon as no data is entered in the menu below, the cash desk will be closed with an "Error" status and all the incomes will be displayed as wrong amounts.
Along with the taking from all payment methods, the system expects:
- Vouchers
- Canceled tickets
- Cash withdrawals
Reports previous to the closure
You can generate a temporary report at any time before closing the cash desk:
Buttons "Set as returned" vs. "Set as missing"
With these buttons, you can mark the lines listed below the buttons as "returned" or "missing".
With Identification
In this menu, all the bookings that have generated a receipt are listed and can thus be assigned to the corresponding booking. This is usually the receipt of the EC terminal. The receipt is the "identification".
The total number of the elements in "With identification" must correspond to the total number of receipts in the cash drawer.
Without Identification
The bookings that require a receipt but that are free, that means, without direct reference to a booking, are listed here. These could be promotional vouchers or old vouchers, for example.
Configuration "with/without identification"
The configuration with/without identification refers to the corresponding payment method and the value set for the field "Withdrawal mode". The booking will be then accordingly allocated.
The cash in the cash drawer is entered here.
Canceled Tickets
In the case of cancellations, the tickets now invalid will be available in the box office and confirmed here accordingly.
Intermediate Withdrawal
If an intermediate withdrawal occurs (e.g.: cash withdrawal during the day), it will be displayed and confirmed here.
A summary of the previous menus is displayed here,
With your validation, you confirm the closure of the cash desk along with the accuracy of the inputs provided.
To conclude, the final cash desk closure is generated:
Processing by cash administration
In Organization → Sales management → Operator Cash Desks the administrator, cashier,.. can see the cash desks of the users allocated to their user.
Organization → Operators → Operators → Responsibility
On this screen, all the cash desks allocated to the "box office administrator" are displayed. Different filters mask per default, for example, the cash desks with status "Closed for accounting".
This screen serves as an overview of the cash desks and a cross-checking after the operator has closed their cash desk.
Closure by the accounting
Only when the cash statement has been transferred to the accounting department the sales are actually registered.
IMPORTANT → The revenues are only transferred in the accounting export after the accounting has been completed!
The definitive validation and transfer to the accounting is made by the "supervisor" or the "administrator".
The supervisor can display the corresponding cash desk closure:
- Select the required lines
- Carry out the accounting closure
- Check and enter the date
- Validate (mark the checkbox and close the cash desk)
The cash desks transferred to the accounting and closed can be later checked: