Published — v. 3
Whymper V3.6

Whymper V3.6

Bug fixes

[STX-85882] Hospitaity widget should not show real availabilities, except on B2B2C sales channels

[STX-86003] If there is no availability for the room passed as parameter in the hospitality ticketshop selection page URL, the next available room is selected and then added to the cart

[STX-86004] Parking batch is not working as expected

[STX-86438] When editing planned quotas, it is possible to set quota smaller than availability

[STX-85827] Closing orders with large number of tickets finishes in a timeou

[STX-85741] When trying to delete a white list, if the SecuTix language is set on German the message the client gets is wrong

[STX-86496] Multiple advantages on a product are not displayed correctly in the ticketshop landing page

[STX-85797] Button colors are not properly customizable in the ticketshop landing page

[STX-86513] Polish internal codes are not correctly translated

[STX-86509] It is not possible to select seats for non-numbered areas in the ticketshop seat map, when advantages are applied to it

[STX-85085] Background image is not saved in new seat map editor

[STX-86258] Cannot view timeslot information on calendar screens (by day/week)

[STX-86254] Missing zone information for non-number seats in the "Cultural History" report

[STX-86474] The auto generated email "letter for partner" (accounting report domain) has wrong content

[STX-85802] In some configurations, generating the seat map map for the ticketshop is not possible due to an error

[STX-86179] It is not possible to filter "list of tickets" report by order date

[STX-86621] Is is not possible to purchase event with a membership rate

[STX-86648] For some seats it is not possible to save any modifications in logical configuration edit screens

[STX-86612] A technical error occurs when udpating the description of season ticket/package

[STX-85240] Validation of credit card number formats should be keps as optional to help operators, and not completely discarded

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