Registration code: 5 tries and same code for 5 times As a wallet user, I receive by email the same registration code 5 times in a row, AND I can try to enter the registration code at a maximum 5 times.
As a wallet user, I receive by email the same registration code 5 times in a row (i.e. first email, and then if tapping up to 4 times on "I did not receive my registration code: Resend"), then the registration code changes for the next 5 "Resend" requests, and so on. Sending 5 times the same registration code will help in case of bad network, we want to make sure the end user will enter the correct registration code.
As a wallet user, I can enter and confirm a registration code 5 times max, then the wallet will request me to ask for a new registration code. This is a security measure to avoid brut force attack on the backend through API while registering, the backend should grant only 5 tries. After that, the end user will have to ask for a new registration code. The mobile app properly displays and explains the 5 unsuccessful tries and that a new code is required.