Domain - Account follow up
Domain description
This domain represents the follow up pending account and credit account and corresponds to the table D_ACCOUNT_FOLLOW_UP_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 financial transaction performed on the pending account or credit account of a given contact with information related to:
- The payment
- The given contact
- The payment’s author (operator, sales channel, etc.)
A record is identified
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related to the range of data of the domain: linkmissing
Domain - List of payments
Domain description
This domain contains the payments and refunds and corresponds to the table D_ACCOUNT_LIST_PAYMENTS in which:
TBD --> missing description
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related to the range of data of the domain: linkmissing
Domain - Voucher management
Domain description
This domain corresponds to the table D_VOUCHER_MANAGEMENT_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 gift voucher. Following information is available:
- Information on the voucher itself (product, value, price)
- Voucher status
- Information on the purchase of the voucher (order, date, purchase contact, sales channel)
- Information on the usage of the voucher (order, date, purchase contact, sales channel)
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attribute: TAX_NUMBER.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related to the range of data of the domain: linkmissing