Mass creation of slots
In the context of museums dealing with high attendance in very short slots -for instance, slots every 5 minutes- it is essential to quickly create a large number of slots, either for visits or timeslot passes. These two product families have benefited from ergonomic improvements and optimisation in order to enable management of such quantities of data. Note that these improvements also facilitate the process of creating and changing slots for less extreme cases of use.
Creating slots
A portion of the "Calendar" screen of visits for creating schedules has been redesigned to simplify the work of operators. It makes it possible to define a series of schedules -for instance, 10:00- and then choose which days of the week to which these hours apply.
Assistance in schedule creation was also added through the "Add Schedule" button, enabling an easy mass creation of slots.
On the validation screen of a visit, the validation process was changed to allow for validating visits containing a large number of slots. A batch is used to disconnect the user interface from the validation process, which in certain extreme cases can take a long time. A "State of Batch" column was added to provide access to the details of the batch run.
Timeslot passes
Creating a slot for a visit space
The screen for creating a slot for a visit space was completed with the optional fields "End Time" and "Interval". This screen makes it possible to not only create a slot on a range of dates, e.g. every Monday at 10:00 from 10 to 24 January, but also to create multiple slots per day on the same range. For instance, every hour from 10:00 to 17:00 on Mondays between 10 and 24 January.
List of slots of a visit space
Of course, once a large number of slot have been created, it must be possible to view them and possibly make changes. The list of the slots of a space has thus been adapted accordingly. A special pagination has been developed to maintain the consistency of the "contingent" or "pass" subtotals depending on the display mode. The pagination of this screen is not traditional pagination with a fixed limit such as 200, but rather is "daily", "monthly" or "yearly" depending on the amount of data to display. The display is thus either by day, month or year, and the "date picker&q
Note that the level of pagination (day, month, year) is determined in the same way as the default filter values of "date from" and "date to", i.e. if the amount of data on a year is too large, the system reduces to a month and a day, if necessary.
To complete the pagination, six new actions applicable, without selection, to all the items of all list's pages were added, namely "Delete All", "Activate All", "Suspend All", "Edit All", "Edit all quota" and "Transfer all contingent".
List of slots of a timeslot pass
The list of slots for a pass has also been adapted by adding a pagination (classical), as well as adding the buttons "Link timeslot", "Unlink All" and "Change Limit" that makes it possible to apply an action to all the items of all the list's pages, without selection.
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