File format for contacts
The generic file format is described in Generic file format (Extended). This documents describes all available import fields.
In general:
- Field with empty data mean "ignore this field".
- Put value '=' will remove the current value in system.
- Field with data will be imported.
A contact can be Individual or Structure so for Contact creation case: At least FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME or STRUCT_NAME must have data.
In case you want to associate a contact to a criteria or structure type. Follow these links: Contact criteria definition and Structure type definition to create the records.
Global fields
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
INSTITUTION | Text 15 | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. |
ORGANIZATION | Text 15 | Yes Default: | Organization owning the data to be imported. A « |
OPERATION | Enum | Yes | Operation to be executed INSERT : insert the row as a new contact UPDATE : update the contact. Can be used to link criterion to contact. UPDATEACT: update the contact and reactivate it if needed. DELETE: Applicable to all contacts.
INVALIDATE: Applicable to contact which has no sales.
ANONYMIZE: Applicable to all contacts (even if it has sales).
DROP : Should only be used for mis-import. Applicable to contact that imported and has no modified since then.
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
CONTACT_NR | Text 20 | Yes if OPERATION is not INSERT | Contact number. If your contact numbers have leading zeros, they must also be given. Note: The field CONTACT_NR is mandatory for all OPERATION that is not INSERT. |
ROLE | Enum | Role of the contact when it is created. If the field is left empty, RELAY will be used when Individual and structure data are given. PUBLIC when only individual or structure data is given. | |
TITLE | Text 200 | Data will be imported if value is defined. | |
LETTER_SALUTATION | Text 200 | If value is empty, these fields will be interpolated from the TITLE field, according to the language of the individual. Ex: if TITLE = 'MR' → ADDR_SALUTATION = 'Dear Sir' → LETTER_SALUTATION = 'Mr'. | |
ADDR_SALUTATION | Text 200 | ||
FUNCTION | Text | ||
REMARK | Text |
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
FIRSTNAME | Text 100 | First name | |
LASTNAME | Text 100 | Last name | |
BIRTHDATE | Date | Birth date | |
PREF_LANG | Code | Preferred language. Use the 2 lettre ISO code. Examples: en, fr, es, it, ... |
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
OFFICIAL_NAME | Text 100 | Official name of the structure. The name will be truncated if it is too long. | |
ADDRESS_NAME1 | Text 38 | Name of the structure for the adresse If it is empty, it is taken from the official name If it is too long, it is truncated. | |
ADDRESS_NAME2 | Text 38 | ||
STRUCT_TYPE | Code | The type of the structure. The code must be defined as described in Structure type definition | |
COMMUNITY_TYPE | Code | The code of the community type. If it is left empty, then the structure isn't member of any community. | |
ADMIN_NUMBER | CodeValue | Administrative number, for example a SIRET number. Only one number can be given here, but subsequent updates of the contact may help adding several numbers. | |
NB_EMPLOYEES | Number | ||
WEB_SITE | Text 2000 | URL to the structure's website. It must contain the http:// prefix. |
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
ADDR_TYPE | Text 3 | M: Main address S: Shipment address B: Billing address Ex: M or B or S or MB or MBS, etc... Leave empty --> that address use for 3 types. | |
LINE1 | Text | Anything. Customer responsible for correct data. | |
LINE2 | Text 100 | ||
LINE3 | Text 100 | ||
ZIPCODE | Text 10 | ||
TOWN | Text 20 | ||
TOWN_COMPLEMENT | Text 20 | ||
COUNTRY | Code | Country code Ex: FR, ES, EN, GB.... |
Communication mean
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
TELEPHONE | Text 15 | Landline phone number. Follow standard format and international format. Phone number is followed country code where customer located. That information is stored in institution data. Example:
| |
FAX | Text 15 | ||
CELLPHONE | Text 15 | Mobile phone Ex: 06 88 48 87 10, (33)0677744594... | |
EMAIL1 | Text 250 | Will be used as username for ticket shop login. If email is already existed, the email is imported but can't be used to login. The email validated by regular expression: ^[0-9a-z+\$_-]+(\.[0-9a-z+\$_-]+)*@[0-9a-z+_-]+(\.[0-9a-z+_-]+)+$ | |
EMAIL2 | Text 250 | ||
EMAIL3 | Text 250 |
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
AUTH_CNIL_O | Boolean | Accept communication from institution | |
AUTH_PARTNER | Boolean | Accept communication from one partner | |
AUTH_CNIL_T | Boolean | Accepts transmission of elec. coordinates to third parties | |
AUTH_SMS_MMS | Boolean | Accept sms/mms from institution | |
AUTH_LETTER | Boolean | Accept letter from institution | |
AUTH_PHONE | Boolean | Accept phone from institution | |
AUTH_EMAIL | Boolean | Accept email from institution |
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
CRIT01 | CodeValue | Formula: CritCode=CritValue1|CritValue2|CritValue3 Special case: If we use CONFIG row which mean:
Must be predefined in Contact criteria definition | |
... | |||
CRIT50 | CodeValue |