Bug fixes
[STX-92688] Payment fees (overheads) on t
[STX-92711] Cannot use new seat maps without applying a strange workaround
[STX-92627] The generation of ticketshop seatmap was blocked for a physical configuration
[STX-92623] The card credit recipient does not matches the transaction on the new terminals
[STX-92384] Too much money refunded to a customer
[STX-92363] When the Slimpay batch has an error, the message should display the order or file number
[STX-92561] In the ticketShop, Seats can not be changed after adding the event to the shopping cart
[STX-92573] Impossible to validate organization parameter due to missing European VAT code
[STX-91793] Impossible to change seat state in logical configuration
[STX-92147] Remove a donation product from per tickets fees invoice
[STX-92348] A report shows tickets as expired when they're still available
[STX-92071] Wrong gauge block the availabilities synchronization of the ticketshop
[STX-92322] An error is displayed when paying for a reservation in the ticket shop
[STX-92482] In the ticketshop, "FriendsAndFamily" label translation does not take the full width
[STX-92528] Ticketshop customization is not updated correctly
[STX-92514] Contacts insert names with special characters in the ticketshop
[STX-92633] Impossible to change automatic renewal value of a championship season tickets
[STX-92566] For a season ticket, there is no tariff available in the configuration to force the tariff in the resale platform