Producer is a specific role for structure which can be linked to any kind of product. It is mainly used in live entertainment to giv
This contact is similar to a partner contact, particularly when it is not necessary to distinguish (from a financial or administrative perspective) between the venue and the producer of an event taking place at that venue.
If you need help to create a produce, pease report to Organisation | Contact | Structures (make sure you create an Internet account to grant a producer access to the producer portal).
Next Steps: attach producers to the appropriate products in your catalog.
Producer portal
The producer portal and his configuration is described here : Follow the evolution of sales and availability thanks to the new possibilities of the producer/promoter portal
Instead of enabling report downloads, you can now grant acces to the Producer dashboard so that producers have a direct access to data with a better presentation.
Promoter/producer model
Another way to use producers concerns distributors using SecuTix who can delegate some set up to the producers. More information here : The promoter/producer model (plus some further improvements listed here : Promoter/producer model self service improvements during Allalin V1)