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Why should organizer use it?

  • This feature allows wallet owners to set a holder name for a ticket on their wallet. This is an app-level feature, so when it is enabled, all tickets are available to assign.
    Exception: Main applicant (FIFA only) or when ticket reaches transfer-assign limit (Transfer level >= transfer-assign limit)

How it works?

  • To enable/disable feature Assign holder Feature

  • If the organizer wants to request for assignment reason, enable the Assign Reason Feature to true.
  • If assignment reason is mandatory, set the feature Mandatory Assign Reason to true.
  • Text labels for assignment reasons are adjustable on Crowdin.
  • Note: for application feature, user needs to kill app and restart to make the feature available after any changes.

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?


Why should organizer use it?

  • This feature allows organizer to show deleted tickets screen on app or not.

How it works?

  • Once a ticket is deleted with visibility TRUE ("showDeletedTicket":true), user can see this ticket under Deleted tickets screen.
    If visibility is FALSE, deleted ticket will not appear on app.

  • To enable/disable the feature Deleted Tickets Visibility

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?


Why should organizer use it?

  • This feature allows organizer to set up a pop-up alert to remind user transfering tickets in case user has multiple tickets (same event) with different locations (Gate/Block..)

How it works?

  • Enable the feature on app level:  Transfer alert for ticket owner has multiple tickets in different locations to TRUE

  • Define which kind of location: Select which seat details to alert the different location at Ticket Owner Transfer Alert Keys

  • Define the 1st time to show pop-up: configuring Number of hours before event start time sending different-gates/blocks first message in the app.
    Meaning (x)hours before event starts, pop-up will appear.

  • Set up interval: define at Number of minutes before sending different-gates/blocks reminder in the app.

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?


  • user A has 3 tickets for event 1 and 2 tickets with Gate A, 1 ticket with Gate B.
  • 3 hours before start time, pop-up appears asking user to send tickets to make sure user go to correct gate
  • At scheduled time, a pop-up is showed as below



Why should organizer use it?

  • To allows user to send ticket to another valid email. Transfer feature is at ticket level, so organizer must define if a ticket can be transfered or not.

How it works?

  • A ticket can be transferable or not based on these settings below:
transferRules.groupIdTransfer rules can technically be different for every ticket. Organizer might want to chose to have different transfer rules for different types of ticket (ex: Adult, child, VIP, etc…). This GroupID is the Transfer rules group ID representing a group of transfer rules applied to certain tickets. If Organizers want to apply the same rules to every tickets, by default this groupID is set to the EventID and every ticket will be in this group.
transferRules.maxNumberOfTicketPerPhoneInGroupIdMaximum amount of tickets per phone for this Transfer rules group id.
Total amount of transfers per Phone (-1 feature is disabled).
transferRules.maxNumberOfTransferPerTicketInGroupIdTotal amount of transfers per Ticket (-1 feature is disabled).
transferRules.assignTransferLimitDefine upper bound of ticket's transfer level for the "Assign" function
transferRules.allowTransferEnables or Disables transfer functionality for given match (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed).
transferRules.allowTransferMainApplicantEnable or Disable transfer functionnality for Main Applicant ticket's.
transferRules.allowTransferAfterActivationEnables or Disables transfer functionality for given match for Activated Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed).
transferRules.allowTransferAfterControlEnables or Disables transfer functionality for given match for Controlled Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed).
transferRules.allowReturnToOrganizerAllow to relea
transferRules.allowReturnToOrganizerForInitialSpectatorOnly Initial Spectator can release ticket to resale
transferRules.keepOneInGroupIdForce ALL ticket wallet holders to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match.


Force ticket wallet holder to whom tickets were originally injected to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match. E.g. all his transfer guests will be able to forward all the tickets they received.
  • Organizer can check if a specific ticket is transferable or not on ticket detail view:

  • If organizer wants to request for transfer reason, enable the Transfer Reason Feature to true.
  • User can also have option to select language when transfering a ticket (email sending to recipient) in case the recipient has not yet registered an account.
  • Language options will be retrieved from app supported languages
  • Text labels for transfer reasons are adjustable on Crowdin.

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?



Why should organizer use it?

  • To encourage users to send tickets to other spectators in case they hold 2 or more tickets for one event by showing a pop-up reminder within app.

How it works?

  • Enable the feature: on mobile side (require new build)
  • INumber of minutes before sending a non-transferred reminder in the app
  • If interval = 0, pop-up will be disabled and only yellow ribbon will appear on event level

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?


  • user A has 3 tickets for event 1
  • Once user opens app the 1st time, pop-up appears reminding user to send tickets to guests
  • The pop-up goes along with yellow ribbon stayed on event level
  • Pop-up will periodly appear after an interval

  • No labels