Bishorn V3.5
Bug fixing patch - Released in production the 09.09.2021
Bug fixes
[STX-114130] It is not possible to reopen an order to pay in the ticket shop
[STX-114250] With some SSO implementation, linking accounts is not possible
[STX-114243] Address details are being given an incorrect label when creating a new contact via specific SSO implementations
[STX-111848] Season tickets cannot in some cases be renewed by batch
[STX-112339] In some cases a wrong display for s
[STX-112657] Personalized desk identifier is changed after organization change or logging off
[STX-112816] Subscriber contact cannot open the subscription detail due an authorisation issue
[STX-112960] TIXnGO integration batch is skipping some valid tickets
[STX-113001] Some seasons are in some cases showing in the access control of another organisation
[STX-113009] Error appears when clicking on resume checkout button
[STX-114071] An error happens when assigning a big number of contingents to a performance
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