Published — v. 19
CSV Injection

CSV Injection

If your organizer

Inject tickets by CSV file

  • Get an example template

Go to CSV Injection > Click CSV template at section 02

The minimal template contains all mandatory values that you need to inject tickets successfully to TIXNGO.

The full template contains all possible values that you can provide when injecting tickets to TIXNGO.

  • Upload CSV file

Go to CSV Injection > Choose file > Submit

What you should know:

General set-up: (lightbulb)

  • CSV File Specifications:
    • Maximum tickets per CSV file: 20,000 tickets
    • The CSV file must be encoded in UTF-8.
    • All dates must follow the RFC3339 standard for date and time.

  • Template Options:
    • Minimal Required Fields Template (CSV Minimal Template): Contains the minimum required fields.
    • Complete Template (CSV Full Template): Includes all possible ticket fields to assist with CSV setup.
    • Multilingual Template (CSV Full Template for Multilingual): Supports injecting with multilingual option.
    • With these 3 templates, please exclude "injection" from the file name to avoid any error
    • When using the Multilingual option, please ensure that you save your CSV file with the suffix "-multilingual".
  • (lightbulb) If you failed to inject your CSV file, check out some points below to figure out what's the rootcause:
    • The CSV file must be encoded in UTF-8 to make sure your data format is valid
    • Instead of leaving unused columns empty, please delete them from the file. These empty cells will cause the errors of wrong formatting. 
    • When saving your CSV file using Excel, please be cautious of a common issue where quotation marks ("") may be doubled. This duplication can cause errors when uploading the fi
    • By ensuring that quotation marks are not doubled, you can prevent potential errors during the file upload process. To avoid this problem, follow these steps after saving the CSV file:
      1. Open the CSV file using a text editor or spreadsheet software.
      2. Search for any instances where quotation marks are doubled ("").
      3. Remove the duplicate quotation marks, leaving only single quotation marks (").
      4. Save the modified CSV file.

Tracking status: (tick)

  • On this page, you will find a comprehensive list of all CSV injection jobs sent by the organizer, along with their respective statuses (COMPLETED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS).
  • It is essential for organizers to review the output file to verify the actual status of each injected ticket, whether it is ACCEPTED or REJECTED
  • Both the uploaded CSV file and the output file are available for download. The output file provides detailed information about the status of injected tickets, including any associated errors in case of failures.
  • For more details on each field of the file, please check here for better understanding.

Understand each fields in CSV:

(question) online activation method is only available if = true, by default this setting key was set to false. TIXNGO mobile app supports offline activation perfectly, and we do not recommend using this activation method that requires our spectators must stay online during the gate opening.

Variable NameMandatoryVariable TypeValue lengthVariable usage/descriptionExamples
activationParameters.groupIdNostring50 charThe activation group to which the ticket belongs to. Tickets sharing the same activation id will have the same activation method & decryption code.activation-id
activationParameters.methodYesstring"online"(question)/"offline"/"beacon"The method using to activate the ticket. online : when activationTime is reached (backend clock), the backend activates the tickets and sends push notifications to trigger a GET /spectator/tickets on the app. offline: the mobile application activates the tickets when time is reaches (mobile clock).
Online requires the user to be online, Offline does not.
More on Ticket activation: /wiki/spaces/TNG/pages/48627957
activationParameters.timeNostringDate follows RFC 3339 standardIf online is chosen, define the time at which the tickets are activated (decrypted).2020-10-05T11:19:24+01:00 
activationParameters.instanceIdNostring128 charIf offline is chosen, define the bluetooth instance id that the mobile app should listen to to get the decryption key.
imageNostring256 charThe uri to the image that will be displayed to the user with its ticket. It must have a width:length ratio of X:Y (to be defined). (displayed on the "Ticket" view).
event.idYesstring256 charID representing the event (unique).event-id-101
event.address.siteYesstring200 charName of the site the Event will take place.TIXNGO Stadium
event.address.line1Nostring200 charA
event.address.line2Nostring200 charAddress line 2
event.address.line3Nostring200 charAddress line 3
event.address.cityYesstring200 charCity where the event takes placeLausanne
event.address.countryCodeNostring200 charCountry code for the AddressCH, FR, DE, etc
event.address.regionNostring200 charRegion where the Event takes placeBavaria
event.address.zipYesstring50 charZip code where the Event takes place
event.address.longitudeNodoubledoubleLongitude where the Event takes place
event.address.latitudeNodoubledoubleLatitude where the Event takes place
event.nameYesstring128 charName of the Event“Team A vs Team B”
event.startTimeYesstringDate follows RFC 3339 standardTime at which the event starts. Used for app logic such as reminders etc...

Date Format: 2022-12-12T16:11:00Z

event.expirationDateNostringDate follows RFC 3339 standardTime at which the event expire. Expired event cannot be used anymore.2023-10-06T11:19:24+01:00 
event.bluetoothPreparationRibbonDisplayTimeNostringDate follows RFC 3339 standardTime at which a ribbon displays on the mobile app to notify spectator turn on Bluetooth on the phone2023-10-05T11:21:24+01:00
event.bluetoothPreparationRibbonEndTimeNostringDate follows RFC 3339 standardTime at which a ribbon disappear on the mobile app2023-10-05T13:21:24+01:00
event.metadataNolistlist of key-value metadata

Specific "key-value" fields provided to Organizer for special information about the event.
For now we handle the reserved keys below. You can override all those keys if you put them (same name, case sensitive) in the ticket details hidden section of the ticket.

 Reserved Keys :

  • BARCODE_SIZE: value = Size of the barcode display on the Ticket (16 < x < 32) [mm]
  • BARCODE_POSITION: value = Position of the barcode on the Ticket (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT)
  • RESALE_TICKETSHOP_URL: value = URL of ticket shop that use to resale a ticket (must include http or https)
  • CANCEL_RESALE_TICKETSHOP_URL: value = URL of ticket shop that use to cancel a ticket (must include http or https)
  • prohibited_items_image: value = URL of the prohibited items image
  • prohibited_items_link: value = URL of the prohibited items link
  • sponsorImage: value = URL of the sponsors image
  • sponsorLink: value = URL of the sponsors link
  • seat_map_image: value = URL of the seat map image
  • seat_map_link: value = URL of the seat map link

  • enable_covid_check: value = Enable or Disable COVID check functionality for given event
  • EVENT_NUMBER: value = number of the event

[{"key": "BARCODE_POSITION", "value": "CENTER"},{"key": "CANCEL_RESALE_TICKETSHOP_URL", "value": ""}, {"key": "RESALE_TICKETSHOP_URL", "value": ""}] charId of the Group. Every Event with this Group ID will be part of that Group.GROUP-ID-101 charName of the Group.CHAMPION LEAGUE charThe Image of the Group (displayed on the "My Events" view).
purchaseDetails.priceYesdoubledoubleThe Ticket's price. (Example 30, 55.50, 120.55,..._)45.50
purchaseDetails.currencyYesstring20 charThe currency used in the transaction using ISO-4217 standard (example: CHF, VND, USD).EUR
purchaseDetails.dateYesstringDate follows RFC 3339 standardThe date at which the Ticket was initially bought.2023-10-04T11:19:24Z 
purchaseDetails.priceCategoryYesstring512 charExamples of price category are adult, child, student, senior, VIP, etc.ADULT, CHILD, etc
purchaseDetails.taxationNumberYesstring512 char(UUID) taxation number of the
ticketDetails.mainNolistlist of key-value metadataFree "key-value" fields usually used to define spectator seating information such as: gate:A, row:2, seat:7 (Displayed on the "front" of the Ticket).[{"key": "Gate", "value": "A"},{"key": "Row", "value": "54"}, {"key": "Seat", "value": "A5"}]
ticketDetails.extraNolistlist of key-value metadata

Free "key-value" fields usually used to define extra information (Displayed on

Reserved Keys :

file_id : optional field set by the Organizer at injection.

[{"key": "File", "value": "123"},{"key": "Special Note", "value": "No Re-Entry"}, {"key": "Parking", "value": "Included"}]

ticketDetails.hiddenNolistlist of key-value metadata

Free "key-value" fields usually used to add hidden information, ex: used between Organizer and TIXnGO (Not displayed on the Ticket).

Reserved Keys :

transfer_extra : optional field set by the sender during a ticket transfer in transferOrder.extra

background_color : optional field set by the Organizer at injection. Define the background color of the ticket.

hosp_room: optional field set by the Organizer at injection. Define the hospitality room of the ticket.

show_price: optional field set by the Organizer at injection. Define to show or not show the price on ticket extra 

at_icon: optional field set by the Organizer at injection. Define to show extra icon on the top-left of ticket layout

ticketDetailMainNotInBoxes: optional field set by the Organizer at injection. Define how many fields (of ticketDetails.main) that will not stay in boxes (count from the last one)

specialColor: optional field set by the Organizer at injection. Define the horizontal stripe color on QRcode part ticket layout

Furthermore, you can override the all the event.metadata keys on a per ticket level.

[{"key": "background_color", "value": "#010101"},{"key": "show_price", "value": "false"}, {"key": "ticketDetailMainNotInBoxes", "value": "2"}]

security.barcodeYesstring512 charBarcode of the Ticket.1234567890


NointegerintegerClearance level of the ticket. If 1 is chosen: the organizer require the spectator to provide its name,surname,gender. If 2 is chosen, then all field of SpectatorIdentity are required except for the passport and idcard number, only one of them is required.
spectatorDetails.residenceCountryNostringISO Alpha-2 formatInitial spectator's residence country.
spectatorDetails.phoneNumberNostring50 charInitial spectator's phone number.
spectatorDetails.emailYesstring256 charInitial spectator's
spectatorDetails.firstNameYesstring50 char

Initial spectator's first name.


spectatorDetails.lastNameYesstring100 charInitial spectator's last name.Harry
spectatorDetails.genderNostring1 char (m/f/u/x)Initial spectator's gender. m, f, u or x (For Male, Female, Other, Unknown)m
spectatorDetails.dateOfBirthNostringDate follows RFC 3339 standardInitial spectator's birth date.
spectatorDetails.nationalityNostringISO Alpha-2 formatInitial spectator's nationality.
spectatorDetails.passportNumberNostring200 charInitial spectator's passport number.
spectatorDetails.idCardNumberNostring200 charInitial spectator's ID card number.
spectatorDetails.spectatorStatusNostring"Activated" / "Not activatied"If the initial spectator is registered in the TIXnGO system.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.firstNameNostring50 charTicket Holder's first name.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.lastNameNostring100 charTicket Holder's last name.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.genderNostring1 char (m/f/u/x)Ticket Holder's gender m, f, u or x(For Male, Female, Other, Unknown)
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.dateOfBirthNostringDate follows RFC 3339 standardTicket Holder's birth date.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.nationalityNostringISO Alpha-2 formatTicket Holder's nationality.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.passportNumberNostring200 charTicket Holder's passport number.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.idCardNumberNostring200 charTicket Holder's ID card number.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.emailNostring256 char

Ticket Holder's email.

spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.phoneNumberNostring50 charTicket Holder's phone number.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.birthCityNostring50 charTicket Holder's birth city.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.birthCountryNostringISO Alpha-2 formatTicket Holder's birth country.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.residenceCountryNostringISO Alpha-2 formatTicket Holder's residence country.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.address.line1Nostring200 charTIcket Holder's address line 1.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.address.line2Nostring200 charTicket Holder's address line 2.
spectatorDetailsline3Nostring200 charTicket Holder's address line 3.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.address.cityNostring200 charTicket Holder's residence city.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.address.countryCodeNostring200 charTicket Holder's country code.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.identity.address.zipNostring50 charTicket Holder's zip code.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.extraInfo1Nostring100 charFree field of extra info about the Ticket Holder.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.extraInfo2Nostring100 charSecond free field of extra info about the Ticket Holder.
spectatorDetails.ticketHolder.reasonNostring512 charReason of why the assignment happen. Can be modified later by the spectator. (Optional)
spectatorDetails.organizerSpectatorPreference.allowPromoEmailNobooleanbooleanDefault false. Spectator accept promotional email from TIXnGO.
NobooleanbooleanDefault false. Spectator accept promotional email from Third-Party.
spectatorDetails.organizerSpectatorPreference.allowTrackingNobooleanbooleanDefault false. Spectator accept to be tracked and data matching.
ticketIdYesstring256 charTicket ID differentiating each ticket. It must be unique (UUID).tng-1234567890
langNostring5 char ISO 639‑1 formatThe default language for the Ticket. Injection communications will be sent in this language. Example: fr, en, de, it, es
transferRules.groupIdNostring256 charTransfer rules can technically be different for every ticket. Organizer might want to chose to have different transfer rules for different types of ticket (ex: Adult, child, VIP, etc…). This GroupID is the Transfer rules group ID representing a group of transfer rules applied to certain tickets. If Organizers want to apply the same rules to every tickets, by default this groupID is set to the EventID and every ticket will be in this group.
transferRules.maxNumberOfTransferPerTicketInGroupIdNointegerintegerTotal amount of transfers per Ticket (-1 feature is disabled).
transferRules.assignTransferLimitNointegerintegerDefine upper bound of ticket's transfer level for the "Assign" function
transferRules.allowTransferNobooleanbooleanEnables or Disables transfer functionality for given match (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed).
transferRules.allowTransferMainApplicantNobooleanbooleanEnable or Disable transfer functionality for Main Applicant ticket's.
transferRules.allowTransferAfterActivationNobooleanbooleanEnables or Disables transfer functionality for given match for Activated Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed).
transferRules.allowTransferAfterActivationByBTNobooleanbooleanEnables or Disables transfer functionality for Checked Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed).
transferRules.allowTransferAfterControlNobooleanbooleanEnables or Disables transfer functionality for given
transferRules.allowReturnToOrganizerNobooleanbooleanAllow to release ticket to resale / allow ticket shop resale
transferRules.allowReturnToOrganizerForInitialSpectatorNobooleanbooleanOnly Initial Spectator can release ticket to resale
transferRules.keepOneInGroupIdNobooleanbooleanForce ALL ticket wallet holders to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match.


NobooleanbooleanForce ticket wallet holder to whom tickets were originally injected to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match. E.g. all his transfer guests will be able to forward all the tickets they received.
design.idNostring256 charThe Design Id applies to the ticket.
design.backgroundColorNostring7 char hexadecimal color codeThe background color of the corresponding design.
design.secureColorNostring7 char hexadecimal color codeThe secure color of the corresponding design, which will be displayed on the event day.
design.secureImageNostring256 charThe secure image of the corresponding design, which will be displayed on the event day.
ticketInjectionDateNostringDate follows RFC 3339 standardThe date at which the ticket was injected.
mainApplicantNobooleanbooleanOptional Main Applicant flag (SecuTix)
sortingKeyNostring256 charA key to sort the tickets in the spectator view. The tickets will be sorted according to this key in alphabetical order.
mobileAppIdYesstring256 charMandatory Mobile Application App Id to use associated invitation email template (used by organizer using their own app or branded apps)
contingentNostring256 charThe type of contingent applies to the ticket

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